Thursday, December 31, 2009

Looking back - 2009

I must say for my own family, this has been a crazy year filled with joy, tears, scary changes and excitement to look forward to!

We started the year, married for only 3 and a half months. I got a second lay off and applied for unemployment for the first time in my life! We moved a few houses down, learned we were pregnant the next day (9 months after getting married), lost a cat 7 days later, lost another 4 months to the day later. I got a new job by the Grace of God... and here we are, expecting a little boy in April by water birth at home, down to one cat and a dog and both employed again! (I could do without the last one.. hehehe)

Couponing (and all of the fellow coupon bloggers that make this possible) has been a life saver! My husband said "find a hobby!" I did! And it saves us bookoos of dough! We started off spending almost a grand a month on household crap including food and cleaners and all that extra that adds up penny by penny (and it REALLY does!!!) to now spending $200-$300 a month on all that crap and still storing a lot of extra!

I choose NOT to "look" back (I get emotional) but to trudge forward with all that I have learned since this day last year. Oh, and to make goals to do just-a-little-bit-more each month!

Good luck to everyone and may you be Blessed just-a-little-bit-more everyday!


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