Sunday, December 06, 2009

House Party™ - Cookie Exchange Anyone?

YAY!!! I won a House Party™. Last month I applied for the House Party™ Cookie Exchange. For the second time since I started couponing, I WON SOMETHING thanks to THIS website!!

Toady I got a huge box in the mail (which was reward enough to be honest!) In that box was THREE bags of Hershey's Kisses, a Hershey's Kiss Cookie Jar (much much too small for the quantities of cookies I bake - it will be a door prize), new and classic recipe cards and a pack of Create your own recipe cards for everyone, and cookie boxes for everyone to take home samples of their favorites.

NOW... I need locals to bring cookies over for a cookie exchange. This honestly can take 30 minutes. I need to send out 20-ish emails from and then I will need to video SOMETHING from the exchange to upload. ALL TAKERS... even if you are willing to humor me with this, PLEASE RESPOND WITH YOUR EMAIL!

House Party puts brands in the center of specially designed parties that take place across the country in the homes of carefully selected consumer Hosts. These specially qualified Party Hosts invite their friends, family, neighbors, classmates and co-workers into their homes to experience these uniquely fun parties and the products they feature, delivering an authentic and valuable party experience to consumers and a powerful branding and sales-driving event for marketers.

I can't wait to post the next one and see if anyone else gets one! Cori had one a month ago with Healthy Selects, Amy has gotten them over and over for all sorts of products and they are always getting new sponsors to mail out their products for us to try. Currently there is a Window's 7, an ABC's All New Mondays, Pull-ups, Digiorno and others available. Go HERE.

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